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1.1 Background of the Study

Human beings as social animals have always been embroiled in temporary and

continuous disputes and fracas collectively called conflicts since time immemorial. This come in

the form of individuals against individuals families against families kingdoms against

kingdoms and more contemporary countries against countries. Boulding K. (1989).

According to Pruitt and Robbins (2002). Conflict can be defined as “The perceiveddivergence of

interest or a belief that the party‟s current aspirations cannot be achieved simultaneously from

gradual interactions between the parties. They are ultimately a direct result of the given

relationships and interactions between species will in one way or another breed friction and

discontent thereby giving rise to perceived injustice and the attendant frictions and agitations.

Bercovitch J. (2002).

Howeverthe need to be recognized as a member of a unit is such a functional social

factor that any attempt or perceived attempt to undo or ridicule the natural statutes breeds

divergent and friction thereby gradually heating up the system to a toxic edge. WilsonK.(1988).

Thus minimizing this friction has become imperative as it has seldom proved impossible

to eliminate. This redemption notion has given birth to the theory of “ConflictResolution‟‟ a

brain child of the need for stakeholders to work out a route of any conflict.


Brief History ofEnugu StateBroadcasting Service [ESBS]

Enugu State Broadcasting Servicescomprises ofradio and television outfit. It has been in

existence since independence in the Eastern part of Nigeria since 1960. Enugu State

Broadcasting Service was formally known as Eastern Nigeria Broadcasting Corporation

[ENBC]. Eastern Nigeria Broadcasting Corporation television consisted of a two camera studio

and control room television with a 100 Watts television transmitter.

During the Nigeria Civil War ENBC was known as Radio Biafran. The challenges of the

war put the ability and technology to the acid test. The corporation retained its name as Eastern

Nigeria Broadcasting Corporation till the end of the Nigeria Civil War in 1970. It was later re-

called East Central State Broadcasting Service [ECBS] to reflect its ownership by the news

which was carved out from the Eastern region.

But with the creation of new Anambra and Enugu State in 1991 and the subsequent

disengagement of the staff on March 161992 the Anambra Broadcasting Service Enugu Awka

and Enugu State Broadcasting Services [ESBS]. Mr. Peter Prouman was its first director

general.Enugu State Broadcasting Service was established for effective information

dissemination in all parts of the state. It was to bridge the information gap between the

government and the governed from rural to urban areasin order to stimulate interest between

government and rural folks.It is in the light of the above that the study is designed to measure the

“The Role of Enugu State Broadcasting Service in Conflict Resolution.‟‟



Conflict resolution is generally conceptualized as the methods and processes involved in

facilitating the peaceful resolution or ending of conflict.


Often committed group of members attempt to resolve group

conflicts by actively communicatingInformation about their

conflictingmotives or ideologies to the rest of the group. By

thismeans they tender their intentions and reasonsfor certain

beliefs engaging in collective negotiationsthat are intended to

end the conflict or crisis.

The term “conflict resolution” may also be used interchangeably with dispute resolution

where arbitration and litigation processes are critically involved.BurtonJ.(2002). In Nigeria and

Enugu to be precise conflicts which have had menacing effects on the life the people especially

conflicting communities or parties have always been resolved by the direct intervention of


The government intervention comes in the form of direct deployment of military and

paramilitary personnel‟s in war-prone conflicting areas negotiations committees that reach out


to the elders(stakeholders) of the conflicting parties or by the use of media through anti-conflict

propaganda messages.DentschM. (1983).

History of Conflicts

Axelrod Robert. (1984). Observed that;

Competition among and between speciesfor food

habitats matesand general Survival are

functionally implicit in theProcess of evolution

and hence intrinsic to their existence as living

thingsProne to social and community friction.

This clearly reflects the functional imperativeness of conflicts as a social feature of any group

where interactions exist. The history of conflicts therefore is as old as man himself.

Biblically conflict arose in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve disobeyed

God‟s“supreme injunction” not to eat of the fruit in the middle of the garden.(The forbidden

fruit)”. His disobedience was recorded to have ensued a brawl between him his wife (Eve) and

God the creator prompting the later to met punitive measures on the disobedient pair.

Subsequently civilized conflicts and wars can be historically traced to the Paleolithic and

Neolithic era. Bronoski R.(1978).Reflects that “Early conflicts of the Neolithic era emanated


spontaneously from a contest to control the surpluses and resources discovered by man in that


Conflict of old as much as those of contemporary era had stemmed also from the selfish

divergence of views in the form of political ideologies religious differences and ethnic and

social factors.

Documented conflicts can also be traced from the Punic wars to the Greco-Persian

conflicts to the Barbarian invasions of the Romans to the Crusaders of the Arab world the

Northern wars the French wars the Nazi wars the Isreali-Palestine conflict the independence

and insurgency wars and most recently terrorist conflicts. BouldingKenneth. (1962).

In Nigeria conflicts most notably can be traced back to the post -colonial era with the

Biafra civil war the most prominent example. There have been several conflicts in religions

relating to certain agitations by seemingly aggrieved parties. This could be Trans-ethnic or Intra-

ethnic. Chinua A. (2012).Enugu State has also had its fair share of conflicts most notably among

them include the Umuode Community Crisis Udi Community Crisis and the notorious Oruku

Kingdom Crisis.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The prevalence of conflict in the world and particularly in the African Sub-region has

been a major source of concern to individuals families and the society at large. People have

become apprehensive about the negative consequences of conflict due to the way and manner it

erupts in our society.


However the media have also been noted for its dysfunctional roles in the society. Since

the media seek to mould the opinion of users it is logical that their negative roles would have

negative effects on society. Although the media to a large extent indeed play biggest role of

ensuring that conflicts or any particular conflict receives wide public attention.

The question this research work seeks to answer therefore iswhat role does Enugu State

Broadcasting Service play in Conflict Resolution in Enugu North?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1. To determine the reach of audience base of Enugu North to ESBS.

2. To know the meaning and concept of conflict resolution.

3. To find out the level of interference of the state government in ESBS affairs.

4. To determine the contributions of ESBS toconflict resolution in Enugu North.

1.4 Research Questions

1. What is the reach of audience base of Enugu North to ESBS?

2. What is the meaning of the concept of conflict resolution?

3. To what extent does the state government interfere in ESBS affairs?

4. How has ESBS contributed to conflict resolution in Enugu North?

1.5 Scope of the Study

The essence of this research work is to primarily study The Role of Enugu State

Broadcasting Service in Conflict Resolution. A study of Enugu North. The study intended to


focus on conflict resolution in Enugu North local government area for easy analysis of data. This

will reduce cost and avoid complexity which may arise due to a very large population.

However the findings of the study will be based on the indigents of Enugu North since

they all have similar characteristics.

1.6 Significance of the Study

Studies on conflict and conflict resolution matters are of paramount importance to

everyonethe conflicting parties the government non-waring parties etc. This study formed a

documented framework exposing the ills and dangers of scourage and recommending ways to

avert or sustain such occurrences in the future.

1.7 Operational Definition of Significant Terms

Conflict: Refers to disagreement or discontent between two parties usually due to perceived

disadvantage by one of the parties. Conflict can be in form of disputes or crisis or extremely


Propaganda: It is a message designed to persuade the intended audience to think and behave in a

certain manner preferably as planned by the broadcaster of the message.

Hydra-Headed: This refers to the complexity of an issue. That is issues that assume multi-

dimensional twist are said to be hydra-headed.

Reportage:This refers to the texture of what is being broadcast.


Project Information

  • Price

    NGN 3,000
  • Pages

  • Chapters

    1 - 5
  • Program type

    barchelors degree

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Table of content
Cover page

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